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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tough Times for the Terps: Goodbye Terrell Stoglin

Shocking news broke Monday morning that Terrell Stoglin would forgo his final 2 years of eligibility and enter the NBA draft. The announcement sparked mass confusion as, nearly a month ago, Stoglin confirmed that he would return to Maryland to play another season, and reports indicated that he would draw very little interest from NBA teams.

Shortly after his announcement, reports emerged that the ACC's leading scorer was not leaving by choice. The university decided to suspend Stoglin and Mychal Parker for the year after they apparently failed a drug test, although Parker had already decided to transfer. Stoglin and coach Mark Turgeon had a rocky relationship and this appeared to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Stoglin was an incredibly dynamic scorer and was on pace to break the all-time scoring records at Maryland, but he has flaws that will keep him from getting drafted by an NBA team.  Mark Turgeon worked with Stoglin to become a more talented point guard, defender and leader, but Stoglin's immaturity surfaced and his focus continued to lie solely on scoring. 

In all fairness to Terrell, he had very little help offensively last year and sometimes had no choice but to attempt 30 shots in a game.  What Stoglin foolishly overlooked is that the facets of his game Mark Turgeon wanted him to work on were the skills that would lead him to success in the NBA.  Now, he’s an extremely undersized shooting guard who has trouble defending and lacks the tools to play PG.  He will have to prove to NBA teams that he can evolve into a J.J. Barea-type player who adds value off the bench.

Despite his flaws, this is devastating to the Maryland Terrapins' chances of making the NCAA tournament next year.  If Stoglin would have joined an extremely talented incoming class, the Terps could have been a very tough team to beat--possibly the 3rd best in the ACC next year. 

Now, the team is full of skilled but raw freshmen and sophomores who don't have a go-to guy when the team needs a tough bucket.  This is now Nick Faust’s team and he will have to work on his outside shot before he can become the number-one scorer for the Terps. 

On the other hand, the 2012-2013 Terps will have to develop the type of team mentality that builds greater success in the long run.  We will discover exactly what these new recruits are made of and it looks to be an exciting process as Maryland's new stars and leaders emerge. This extremely young team is going to grow up together quickly--because they have to. Those growing pains should result in a lot of experience and team talent by the 2013-2014 season. 

This hurts in the short term, but it should be very beneficial over the next few years. Stoglin will be missed; despite all of his flaws, he was a thrill to watch.

An update on my earlier article on the incoming Terps recruiting class:

Sam Cassell Jr. did recommit to the Terps and sign his letter of intent.  This means that the Terps' guard rotation next year will be Junior Peshon Howard (who is on the short list of potential leaders next year), Sophomore Nick Faust (who will need to become the team's "go-to guy") and freshmen Seth Allen, Sam Cassel, Jr. and Jake Laymen.  All of the freshman have developed reputations for lighting up the scoreboard, so regardless of the final win-loss record, Terps fans can expect some excitement next year. Losing Stoglin may stall the Terps' return to prominence by a season, but it should also speed up the development of a lot of our freshmen.

His departure also leaves 2 open scholarships for next season, which the Terps hope to use on the Harrison Twins (#2 and #5 recruits overall).  Appropriately, it also leaves room for each of them to start.  The drama continues for Terp Nation; more to come.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the most talented are also the most cancerous. Definitely an exciting player. Let's hope the new talent plays together like a team.


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